JWT Decoder & Verifier

No token provided
No token provided
No token provided

How to Use JWT Decoder


Decode Your Token

Simply paste your JWT token into the text area. The decoder will automatically parse and display:

  • Header: Contains the token type and signing algorithm
  • Payload: Shows the data stored in your token
  • Signature: Displays the token’s signature

Verify Signature

To verify your token’s authenticity:

  • Enter your secret key in the verification field
  • Click “Verify Signature” to check if the token is valid
  • The tool will confirm if the signature matches

Check Token Expiry

The decoder automatically checks expiration:

  • Displays expiration date if present in token
  • Shows whether the token has expired
  • Helps track token validity period

Copy & Share

Easy data access and sharing:

  • Copy individual sections with dedicated buttons
  • Share decoded information securely
  • Export parsed data for documentation

Understanding JWT Sections


The header typically consists of two parts: the type of token (JWT) and the signing algorithm (e.g., HS256, RS256). This information is Base64Url encoded.


Contains the claims (token data). This can include standard claims like expiration time (exp), issued at (iat), and custom claims specific to your application.


Verifies the message hasn’t been changed along the way. It’s created using the encoded header, encoded payload, and a secret key with the specified algorithm.

Key Features of Our JWT Decoder

Real-time Decoding

Instantly decode JWT tokens as you type with automatic parsing and formatting of all three JWT components.

Secure Verification

Verify token signatures with your secret key, ensuring the token’s authenticity and integrity.

Expiry Tracking

Automatic token expiration checking with clear visual indicators for token validity status.

Beautiful Formatting

Beautifully formatted JSON output with syntax highlighting for improved readability.

Quick Copy

One-click copying of decoded components with visual feedback for seamless workflow.

Smart Error Handling

Clear error messages and validation feedback to help you identify and fix token issues.